On Masks

Times are crazy, kids are going back to school. Real school. Even the little ones. My little one is going back to school. I have concerns. But this isn’t the place for those, this post is about masks. Good masks for covering your face holes. Masks that, since he is going to be out there, among his peers in a pandemic, these are the masks he will be wearing.
These recommendations are not “cheap.” The masks are handmade, washable, reusable. The money spent goes toward helping those who have been been hit by the pandemic perhaps a little bit harder than most. Both these recommendations have North Carolina ties. These are local companies, local folks, trying to make a difference.
First up is the Covid Face Mask by Descalza. They come in two sizes and a variety of styles. Wash these by hand. They feature three layers of protection with a sewn-in filter and 1/4 inch rubber straps for your ears. Beyond being a comfy choice, for every mask you purchase, Descalza will make and distribute one to a North Carolina farm worker who is lacking PPE.
Second on the list are FunkyFreshNoFogMasks. A wide variety of styles/designs to select from (some NSFW). Comfy, breathable. Takes a few tries to zero-in the fit properly, I suggest getting some plastic cord locks for the straps. In my experience, “No Fog” is actually “Quite a Bit Less Fog.” These have a sewn-in pocket for disposable filters.
Throughout “Stay-at-home/Safer-at-home,” I have tried several masks. Different styles, brands. Reusable, disposable. These two are what we use. These are the ones I trust to keep little man & myself safe. As safe as we can be, all things considered.
I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for reading.